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Intermediate Music : Beyond the Basics

So by now, you already have a handle on how music works for the most part. If not, check out the ELEMENTARY section again.

Intermediate music theory can be lots of fun as you learn more and use your own creativity to explore the different possibilities. Once you have control of the building blocks, you get to be the architect!

There are certain components of this level of study that are pretty much essential for learning beyond this point. These things are all interrelated, and each one is necessary in understanding another.

Here's a slightly more advanced sequel to the Basic article on intervals. Discover what major, minor, augmented, diminished, and perfect are and how they relate to different kinds of intervals.

Diatonic Chords
Diatonic chords are the chords that naturally fit into a particular scale because they were built from it. Almost all of the chords you hear in today's music are diatonic.

Nashville Number System
The Nashville Number system is a way of writing chords in numeric form so that they can be applied to all keys. This is useful for working in terms of interval distance and chord types without having to specify a key. Learn this easy system that ALL of the pros use.

Minor Scales
Minor Scales can seem tricky at first just because we aren't as used to them as we are to majors. Learn more about the different types of minor scales and how they work.

Arpeggios are chords broken up into their different pieces. Almost all melodies ever written use arpeggios. Click to read more and find out how you can use these essential parts of music theory.

Modes are a way of dealing with scales in a different position. Basically, it's like taking scales, and changing the key they're in.

Circle of Fifths
The Circle of Fifths is a guide showing the relation of certain chords to each other. It's a huge aid in song writing, and it can help your understanding of chords in general. See what it is and why it matters.

Transposing Chords
Transposing chords is essential when working with other musicians, especially singers. Learn how to move entire songs from one key to another with two different easy to follow and easy to remember methods.

Pentatonic Scales
Pentatonic scales are 5 note scales that are useful for writing, arranging, and learning music. They are like normal major or minor scales but with certain notes taken out, so they're easier. They're much easier than most people think.


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